This time I'm working mainly with IO specifically from and to the terminal (or console if your that way inclined ;) ).
I know this isn't pure Assembly but the API's written for the OS's arn't written in Assembly and with the drivers being rather complicated... well this was the easiest solution for a newbie (not to mention graphics card specific!).
Unfortunately to make this all work I had to modify the build script.
Basically instead of just linking the Assembly library to the end executable I had to compile it with gcc (can't have c libraries without a c compiler with the sources ext.).
What is the change exactly?
Simple, change
ld -s -o blog_first start.oto
gcc -o blog_second start.oand with that I also changed
./blog_secondI know I didn't have to change that last line but.. you know second code snippet might as well :p
That was the changes for
The Assembly file (start.asm) had a number of changes.
For starters as we switched from linking to compiling with c then linking the main function (_start) had to be renamed to _main.
Heres the code!
segment .dataThere is minimal commenting on explaining what is going on, but that will be explained in the next post.
two_var_output db "%s%s", 0
output db "You said ", 0
input db "Please say something: ", 0
hello_world db "Hello World!", 10, "Second blog article code", 10, 0
segment .bss
result resb 0 ; Define a non initialised variable.
segment .text
global _main
extern _printf, _gets ; Import printf and gets functions from c.
; Write to the terminal our hello world statement.
push dword hello_world ; Push variable hello_world on top of stack.
call _printf ; Call printf function with paramaters being the stack.
pop eax ; Pop the first (last to be put on) variable on the stack.
; Read a string from the terminal, this could be
; any ASCII charactor and save it in input variable.
push dword input ; Push the variable input on top of the stack.
call _printf ; Call printf function with paramaters being the stack.
pop eax ; Pop the first (last to be put on) variable on the stack.
push result ; Push variable result on top of the stack
; (really just the pointer not the value as its not initalised).
call _gets ; Call gets function with paramaters (Well pointer) being the stack.
pop eax ; Pop the first (last to be put on) variable on the stack.
; We want to print out a message before what was entered (takes 3 paramaters).
push dword result ; Push variable result on top of the stack (Now has a value!)
push dword output ; Push the variable output on top of the stack.
push dword two_var_output ; Push the variable two_var_output on top of the stack.
call _printf ; Call printf function with paramaters being the stack.
pop eax ; Pop the first (last to be put on) variable on the stack.
pop eax ; Pop the first (last to be put on) variable on the stack.
pop eax ; Pop the first (last to be put on) variable on the stack.
mov eax, 0
What does that code actually do you probably are asking yourself (or me doesn't matter really).
Here is the terminal output / input
Hello World!Yup that's all it does.
Second blog article code
Please say something:
You said
I hope this will be a great help during debugging.
But be warned when using printf with more then 1 argument the format string must be what it supports e.g. %x is an integer.
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